Thursday, March 6, 2008

Backdoor Virus - Is Someone Else Robbing Your Online Bank Account?

Backdoor Virus - Is Someone Else Robbing Your Online Bank Account? If you do your banking online, with a personal or business checking or savings account, you may be giving an electronic withdrawal permission to an unknown hacker. The Internet is an effective communications tool. However, the threat of a backdoor virus on your system can give an Internet cyber criminal all of your hard-earned money, and even investments. How does this happen? How do you protect yourself? A Backdoor virus is a software program that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a machine and the means for remotely controlling the machine without the user s knowledge. A Backdoor compromises system integrity by making changes to the system that allow it to by used by the attacker for malicious purposes unknown to the user. Backdoors exploit vulnerabilities of installed software to obtain remote, unauthorized access to your computer. Usually, backdoor spyware is secretly installed by viruses, worms, or sometimes even malicious adware programs. As the name suggests, backdoor spyware works sneakily, making it very difficult for you to find and disable without using anti-spyware technology. Malware ("malicious software") is software written to attack individual PCs and entire networks of computers. That attack compromises your computer security through clearly malicious, hostile, or harmful functionality or behavior. Any malicious program that doesn t want to be heard or seen is usually classified as a type of Trojan. some even open a Backdoor on your computer. A backdoor is an unlocked communications port for someone to come in and literally take control of all your computer s functions and data. A backdoor trojan does not replicate itself like a worm, however its payload can be just as damaging. A payload is a series of commands that can open, read and delete files, steal passwords and account log-in information, and more. Everyone who owns a computer should be concerned about a backdoor trojan virus. No longer are the masses safe from hackers if they don t have some sort of protection. Knowing exactly what spyware is can help your to understand which spyware protection package is best for your computer. Luckily, great websites from reputable sources are available on the internet for those wanting to know all there is to know about spyware. One technical group for those who are computer gurus is the Guardian Security forum. This group discusses specific programming codes for detecting and deleting trojans and viruses. For most people, though, using effective spyware removal software is enough to get rid of the backdoor virus. Ignoring a backdoor trojan can be costly and almost anyone who uses the internet needs to be concerned about. No longer are people anonymous on the world wide web. A person should take action to protect their valuable information to ensure that they are not caught unaware while using the Internet for either work or play. No matter where one lives in the world, they are not immune to spyware. especially the backdoor virus. Those who work with computers should ensure that they are protected from any unwanted intruders. Dave Pipitone is an experienced Internet and software user. To read spyware removal software reviews on how to get rid of Backdoor virus , visit .

If You ve Ever Wondered How An iPod Really Works

If You ve Ever Wondered How An iPod Really Works The question of how does an iPod work will very likely come to mind for anyone new to the music, video and even game download world. The fact is these portable devices are pretty complicated, but for users purposes they are as simple as can be to operate. All it takes is a basic understanding of the Internet to made one of these devices work to its full advantage. To answer the question of how does an mp3 player (like iPod) work, one must first understand basic download technology. An iPod works using the same principles as a computer with a portable storage device. Music, video and game files are downloaded onto the device s memory and can be recalled for use whenever an owner would like. The player itself does all the work to make the files operate correctly. Detailed answers to the question of how does an iPod work will vary depending on the model in question. Let s look at some of the top questions surrounding basic use: How does an iPod work for music downloads? In its most basic form it is designed to read MP3 files, which are music related. The device serves as a giant storage system for downloaded music files, while also offering sorting capabilities and playback. How does it work for video downloads? In much the same manner as the music downloads, an iPod, depending on the model, can also handle video files. This depends on the model and its storage capacity. How does an iPod work for video games? Some newer models are designed to offer serious gaming action in addition to music and video playback. This works in much the same manner as the other two, but the iPod must be equipped to handle the files. How does the device work for getting downloads? Getting downloads will depend a lot on the device in question, but Apple has set up an online store that enables direct purchase and download of a variety of files that can be played back on it. How does it work in this circumstance is pretty easy to answer. All that s necessary is a computer with an Internet connection, broadband preferably, and an iPod. Buy the files from the iTunes store, plug the iPod into the computer using the USB port and then download the selected directly to the machine. The store basically walks users through the process. Answering the question of how does an iPod work really depends on the model in question, but the truth is as far as users are concerned the answer is fairly simply. How does an iPod work? Quickly, efficiently and simplistically are all words that come to mind. Find out about the latest iPod news, iPod models, and iPod music and videos at

Is The Ipod Ruining Music?

Is The Ipod Ruining Music? Effects of The Ipod Just a week ago, I was headed up to a concert about two hours away from home. We sort of consider these concerts to be miniature road trips. In the past, we d pop in a cd, crank it up for a while, and then we hop into a discussion about chicks, politics, potatoes, etc. The music being played kind of took a back seat until we ran out of things to talk about. Well, this trip was a little different. The difference was no one brought any cds. Instead two of the group brought Ipods which played through the radio with an FM modulator. In the past, we d flip through cd case after cd case looking for that one certain cd, but once we had found that one cd we were committed to it. On long trips, it was rare to take a cd out without listening all the way through it. Well, enter the age of the Ipod. The Ipod has done to music what cable has done to television. You now have the magical curse called “choice”. Of course, all choice does is lead to indecision. I m not sure if watching another person flip through 200 satellite channels on TV drives you crazy, but it certainly does me. For two hours, I watched two people do nothing but flip through song after song. It was VERY rare if we made it through one minute of a song. In fact, I doubt if we made it through an entire song at all. While it does seem great being able to carry 41 days of constant music in your pocket, I have to say that the average Ipod user may be missing out. There was something to listening to an entire cd on a trip that helped define the great albums. We all have those 5 or so records that we ll never get bored with that we can always listen to all the way through. How would you know what a great record was if you had never had to listen to it all the way through? Sure, sometimes it seamed like a curse having to listen through a crappy song, but cds took care of that pretty easily. You just hit the “skip” button. The real tragedy is there really wasn t that much music listening going on. It seams that a device that is designed to make it easier to listen to more music has a drastic downside. If people do little more than flip through song after song with their Ipod, then the Ipod is taking away from people s musical experience. Yet, people still try to buy bigger and bigger Ipods. I remember thinking that 10GB of Mp3s was an enormous amount of music. Now 60GB versions are very common. I couldn t imagine who really needs 41 continuous days of music without repeating a single song. If you turn the Ipod off for sleeping, you are sitting at right at 60 days of music without repeating a single song. Where Are All Of These Songs Coming From? So how are people filling up their Ipods? Are they buying songs at $1 per song from Itunes? I ve got a gut feeling that most of them are not. Assuming a one minute MP3 uses 1 MB and the average song is 4 minutes long, it would cost $15,000 to fill up a 60GB Ipod. Ouch! I don t know too many people who have spent $15,000 on purchasing music. I DON T KNOW ANYONE WHO HAS SPENT $15,000 ON MUSIC!! It seams pretty clear that if the average college kid were paying $1 per song, they would probably wouldn t need an Ipod much larger than 1 or 2GB. Yes, I m aware that you can store other data on an Ipod, but I don t know too many people who plan to haul around RAW video data on their Ipods. So Who Is Getting Paid? The labels still seam to be afloat even if they are signing a smaller quantity of artists. They certainly don t seam to be as excited about their profits as they may have been ten years ago. It s no secret that if the labels aren t getting paid, the artists definitely aren t getting paid either. Music Is Expendable! I remember just a little over 10 years ago. My family was low on cash. I decided that I wanted a rare Nirvana import called Outcesticide 3. The cd cost $30 and had to be ordered from Japan. I decided that the only way to buy the cd was to not each lunch at school for a month. (I was too young to get a job). So, I did without a meal each day for an entire month so that I could save $1 per day and order my Nirvana import. You could imagine how I felt the day the cd finally came in. I had put myself through torture for an entire month to get that cd. I was at an uncle s house recently. My cousin was on his computer. He decided he wanted to listen to some rare Nirvana songs. He opened up his favorite peer to peer download software and typed in Nirvana or whatever. In about 10 minutes, he had almost the entire cd that I had starved for a month for. While it is exciting that technology exists that makes it faster to download a song than it is to take the cd out of it s case and place it in the player, it seams that this somehow makes the music worth less to the individual. When a listener has to sacrifice for an album, the album is a little more memorable. I mean I can remember the exact day I purchased many of my favorite cds. For example, I remember being 16 and buying Goo Goo Dolls, “A Boy Named Goo”. Me and my buddy were driving 90 mph on the way home like a bunch of immature idiots. It turned out that we had passed my mom without realizing it. When I got home, I was doomed. (That one didn t end on a happy note). Uhh, good luck having any stories about how fast you downloaded an mp3. Good luck even remembering the day you downloaded a given mp3. So who is winning with the Ipod? Is the music listener winning? They now have a portable music machine that can hold 2 million zillion songs. Of course, the mp3 player costs about 3 times as much as a portable cd player did 10 years ago. With the luxury of having so many musical options, some people spend a lot more time flipping through songs than they used to. Ipods can hold an enormous amount of data, but this just leads to people blindly downloading every song under the planet. It s cool being able to hear a song, but having a free library of every song under the sun can make music expendable. Of course, the labels and artists don t seam to be winning. In fact, I can only think of one guy who has really won from the Ipod...Steve Jobs, founder of Macintosh. Brandon Drury runs an active music forum on his site at which covers everything from songwriting to recording to cd replication to music marketing.

Marketing With Promotional iPods

With MP3 players and iPods receiving as much attention as they currently are you had to know it wouldn t be very long before promotional iPods became the IN marketing tool. For all the music lovers around the world, the best device created so far is the mp3 player. Thanks to these little devices, we can now store more than 20 songs, which was the limit on a CD, and there are some models which are portable as well. If you love music and enjoy traveling, this is what you need to help you get through even the longest journeys. The mp3 players of today, especially the Apple’s iPod has created a revolution among people all over the world. Though small in size they provide quality music and have some other interesting features as well. They come in all shapes and sizes, with different memory capacity and depending on this their price also varies. Anywhere from 500 - 10000 songs can be stored on an MP3 player and all one needs is the cord to connect the device to the computer’s USB port to transfer songs. There are a few companies which have begun giving promotional iPods to their visitors and customers. This is a way of reaching out to the public and grabbing their attention. Often when people come to know that a store is giving away promotional iPods they are more prone to check that store out. And most of the times, when we walk into a book or music store, we end up buying atleast one item. At such times, bringing home the free iPod adds to the excitement and this will ensure that the person visits the store again. The store owner has created an impression and earned himself one loyal customer by giving away such promotional gifts, and this way he can build a good client base. Promotional iPods are given away by a store in hope of letting the visitor know that they are valued and to spread word about their store. The iPod will generally have a sticker or something that promotes company’s name. This will be noticed by many others when the person uses the iPod. It also forms a topic for an interesting introductory conversation between strangers that could lead to a friendship or something more. iPromo is a leading promotional products company specializing in promotional iPods , custom USB flash drives, mp3 Players and tech gadgets.

Defragment Your Hard Drive Regularly

Difficulty: Easy How Long: 30 Mins - Days How often: Depends on analysis, analyze weekly Fragmentation derives from adding and subtracting files and applications to your hard disk. When files are deleted from the hard disk the empty spaces are filled at random as new items and are stored creating a very unorganized database of files and folders. Defragmenting is the process of moving files on your hard disk to be more accessible for retrieval, which in turn increases speed of computer performance. Basically the act of Defragmenting rearranges files on your hard disk for the best possible performance. Since the hard disk is the slowest component of the computer (because it is the only component with moving parts) it is important to keep it as healthy as possible. The longer the read/write heads on your hard disk take to find the files on the disk the slower your computer performs. It is very important to keep disk fragmentation as low as possible to help sustain a healthy hard disk and fast performance. The best way to tell if your system needs defragmented is to run the Disk Defragmenter Utility. For Windows Operating System: ·Click Start ·Go to Programs ·Go to Accessories ·Go to System Tools (on some machines the utility may be in Accessories) ·Click Disk Defragmenter ·Select the Volume (ex. C:, D:, etc.) you wish to analyze ·Click Analyze Disk to see if the volume needs defragmented or not ·If it says you should defragment, then click Defragment (For Advanced users you can also run defrag X:, with X being the volume you would like to defrag, in the command prompt) Defragmenting can take anywhere from 30 mins to a couple days (no exaggeration, trust me I ve seen it on older computers) at a time depending on how large the volume is and how bad the fragmentation is on the drive. Newer model computers usually take no more than and hour or two to defrag, but it ultimately depends on the condition of the drive. Video Tutorial Available Click Here My name is Sergio Woods and I ve been studying computers for over 7 years now. I have a great deal of knowledge in aspects ranging from Internet Administration to software programming to hardware and component installation. In my studies I have come to realize that there are very general things even the most casual computer user should know how to do in order to keep their computer running at its peak performance. I feel the need to share my knowledge with any and everybody who has the desire I do to learn everything there is to know about the most revolutionary entity in our society. Also I ve realized that there are a lot of people charging people an arm and a leg to give very common computer advise which is not worth that much at all. Sometimes people just need a little push in the right direction, and Computer is here to give you that push. Remember your comments and recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Facts You Should Know About iPods

iPod is one of the most successful consumer electronic products in history. It is the best selling mp3 / mp4 player in the market today. The combination of sound quality, sleek design and unique user interface, made the iPod a hit, causing an entire industry of accessories to emerge almost overnight. The Apple Corporation first released the iPod on October 23, 2001. Presently we are now on the 5th generation of iPod. The first generation - Mp3 player with mechanical scroll wheel and four buttons. The second generation - It has touch-sensitive wheel, 10 GB and 20 GB hard drives. The third generation - It has touch-sensitive bottoms and USB connectivity. The fourth generation - It has click-wheel and only two hard disk version, 20 GB and 40 GB. The fifth generation - Mp4 player with 60 GB memory storage and video capability. iPod has won several awards ranging from engineering excellence, to most innovative audio product. Very often it receives favorable reviews on looks, designs and handling. iPod was designed as an mp3 / mp4 player for people with an active lifestyle. It is compact, sturdy and lightweight enough to take with you wherever you go. It was designed to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand or to be carried into a pocket or purse for easy transportation. It comes in many storage capacities from 512 MG to 80 GB. The amount of memory it can hold, depends on the model or on the compression rate of your songs. As an mp3 player it was designed to provide the best quality sound. It has a powerful 60 MW amplifier so it can deliver audio as loud as you want. It also has a 20 MZ to 20 KHZ frequency response, which means you can hear distortion free music at the lowest pitches. iPod built-in rechargeable battery provides between 8 to 20 hours of music playtime depending on your model. Using the appropriate stereo adapter your iPod will sound great on your home or car stereo system. All iPod`s come as standard with a non removable lithium rechargeable battery. The battery charge will last about 14 to 28 days without use. The lcd display shows the battery level on the upper right corner of the screen. You may charge your iPod by connecting it to an Apple iPod Power Adapter or connecting it to a USB port of a computer. A full charge takes approximately four hours while 80% charge will require at least one hour. Apple has designed the iPod, as an mp3 player, to work with the iTunes media library software, which allows you to select your music on your computer and on your ipod. iTunes can automatically synchronize this mp3 player with specific playlists or with the entire content of a music library each time you connect your iPod to a host computer. The first three generations of iPod used two ARM 7TDMI derived CPUs running at 90 MHZ, while later models have variable speed chips which run at a peak of 80 MHZ to save battery life. Another great feature of owning an iPod is the fact that someone can record a discussion and then post the audio file on the internet. This means people can download the file and listen to the file on their iPod. As an mp4 player, with iTunes 4.9, you can now browse and subscribe to podcasts at the iTunes Website. Podcasts are radio shows or other audio/video programs that are downloadable over the internet. In order for you to be a more satisfied iPod customer, as to the usability and longer battery life spam of this mp3-mp4 player you should consider the following tips: - Keep it turned off when not using it. - Update to the latest software. - Keep it at room temperature whenever possible. - If you are not using the backlighting, turn it off. -Turning off the equalizer will save you battery. - Use compressed songs. With the availability of compact audio format, we have had mp3 players such as iPod, which provided an unprecedented portability to eager electronic consumers. Now iPod, as mp4 players, is already able to deliver video capability and a whole new set of features and services yet to come. Roberto Sedycias IT Consultant This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author´s name and all the URL´s (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept. This article can also be accessed in portuguese language from the News Article section of page PoloMercantil Roberto Sedycias has a bachelor degree in Business Administration and over 20 years experience in systems analysis and computer programming. Currently working as IT consultant for

Lightening Storm - Now No Internet?

Lightening Storm - Now No Internet? Call Your ISP Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) may be having problems. Call them and ask if there are any outages. If they say no then report your and have them check to see if it is on their end. Reset Your Equipment After lightening storm can cause your router and/or modem to freeze or lock up, like a computer sometimes does. Unplug both your router and modem from the wall (in some cases you may only have one of these). Wait at least 60 seconds and then plug your modem back in. Wait another 60 seconds and then plug your router back in. Give this equipment a few minutes (up to five) to turn back on. If neither of the above works, then you may have a fried piece of hardware. The next steps will help you determine what is wrong. Background Information: Most lightning storms don t short out the router but actually short out the cable or DSL modem. You are going to want to figure out which one is fried. If it is the router, then it may be under warranty and you would want to contact the manufacturer. Some companies do not replace hardware is lightening is at fault. If it is the modem this is probably not covered under a warranty and will need to be replaced. Stores like Office Max sell them for about $60-$80 and the cable company usually charges about $90-$120. Be sure to check if a store bought modem can work with her cable provider before purchasing it. To Test Which One Is Fried: Be sure both the modem and router are plugged into the electrical outlet. See if any lights light up on the front of them. If both the modem and router have lights on the front follow the instructions bellow. If not, you know which one doesn t work. To check if the router is working, plug a computer directly into it (try not to use wireless for this step). Type in and in your Internet Browser. If a box pops up asking for a user name and password then the router is probably not fried. To check the cable modem, plug your computer directly into the modem (bypassing the router). Try to connect to the Internet like you usually do. Test it with a site such as In the worst case scenario, both can be fried, but this is rare. Prevention: From now on don t plug your router, modem, or computer directly into the electrical outlet. Use a surge protector. Another thing to note is that power strips are NOT surge protectors. They only split the connection so you can plug more then two things into the outlet. Contact Author If you would like more information or wish to request a tutorial, feel free to visit As a way to show that I am dedicated to my customers and the community, I am providing tons of free information. This includes do-it-yourself articles, links to free software, product reviews, and much more. John Magluilo, JohnMag4u

Dell Diagnostics

Not everyone is a computer whiz out there but this should not stop you from running Dells Simple Diagnostic Tools. It’s easy to use and you will be glad you did. When to use Dell Diagnostics? Use the Dell Diagnostic tools when you Dell and Only (Dell) computer starts to act up. Such as boot up errors or your computer blue screening on you. How do I access the Dell Diagnostic Tools? All Dell computers have diagnostic tools preloaded on them in a separate partition of the hard drive. To access the Diagnostic tools press F12 when you first turn on the computer and see the Dell screen. This option can be F2 and F9 as well on some models. You may need to reboot a few times to get into it. Once in the menu you have several options. I would recommend running the advanced tests. This can take a good 40 minutes boot it’s a good test for the majority of components installed in the system. What do I do if it found an error? Well that all depends on what the error is. Write down the error code and what the error is if one was given. If your computer is under warranty still then call Dell up and depending on what your warranty plan is they will guide you the rest of the way. If your computer is not under warranty the best advice I can give is call a few computer repair shops and get there opinion. What to do if no issue was found? Just because no hardware issue was found does not mean it’s not hardware. Chances are it is not and that’s a good think because you will probably save some money now. Most likely it is software related. Try doing a system restore. For all your computer repair needs please go to and join our free computer repair forum. You will get the expert advise you need to repair any computer issue you have for Vista, XP, ME, and 2000. We also have a section dedicated to notebooks and PC brands like Dell and HP.

Enjoying Your MP3 Player

The beauty part of wanting an electronic gadget to spruce up your life is that you know exactly what you want, the electronic gadget. The ugly part of wanting an electronic gadget to spruce up your life is that there is approximately 50 different variations of every gadget. Which one is best for you and which one do you need to purchase? Consider the following: - What do you want out of your MP3 player? Those who are looking for the type of player that can store their entire music collection or just enough to make it through a 5 hour flight without hearing the same song will want something with a large hard drive, 20GB or more. Those who are looking for something to jog with that will hold a few hundred songs will want to look into a flash drive player, something durable with little space. - What type of files are you looking to download to your digital audio player? If you don t have much of a personal music collection and are instead relying on various sites to download your collection then make sure the player you are getting will play those files. If you are simply burning or ripping from your own personal collection any player will do. - What type of battery life do you need in your MP3 player? Make sure that the player you are purchasing is capable of playing for the amount of time you need it to on a full charge. Players range from 10 to 50 hours on a full charge, just make sure you know what you are going to get out of yours and what you need before investing a few hundred dollars in a player. - What types of extras do you want on your MP3 player? While you may just want a player that plays your music and does nothing else, it is increasingly more difficult to perform that task. Most come with video capabilities, personal organizer capabilities or the like; just make sure that yours does everything you want it to do before you spend the money! Comparing Digital Music Players In just about any area of the business world you have two basic types of companies or products competing against one another, the "name brand" and the "off brand". The name brand could be the one that everyone notices while the off brand is the one with a name just because it has to have one OR the name brand may be the product in that field at the time. This is the case with digital music players today as there are a number of "MP3 players" on the market right now … then … there is the iPod. Consider a few areas of comparison. Your first idea to consider is that of the fact that you can buy a digital music player from, say, Toshiba for around $250 while iPod produces the same 60GB player for around $400. Because you constantly see people discussing the beauty and wonder of the iPod in comparison to all others you believe that it is obviously the way to go, but when it comes to hard drive, space is space. In this case, it is just as easy as saving $150! The next thing you should consider if you are the type that gets frustrated easily with head games being played by major corporate types is that iPod requires you to use their format to play on their player. Instead of normal MP3 files that are used by most everybody else, iPod requires use of their style of file so if you get frustrated by meaningless problems; you might consider an "off brand" MP3 player. In the end, when you are buying a digital music player the argument is much the same as just about everything else you purchase for a large amount, do you want to be hip or practical? If you want to be hip and carry around your newest gadget on your arm to show off to all of those around you then you need to go with the iPod and forget about the money. If you want to save some money and have a lot of space to store songs in without regard for what people think of your taste then go with the "off brand". Microsoft Zune In every line of business there is the leader in the industry and then there is everybody else, this is no different in the world of digital music players. For the few years that these products have captured the attention of the American consumer there has been a clear cut leader, Apple s iPod. However, now there is a new kid on the block from one of the bigger houses down the street as Microsoft has released a new kid from its front door, the Microsoft Zune. Consider a few facts about the Zune: - Microsoft has really hit Apple where it hurts by making the Zune screen about one-half inch bigger than the iPod. While that sounds like very little, it actually makes quite a big difference on such a small product. Not to mention, the Zune can be watched in portrait OR landscape mode, depending on how you like to watch! - While Microsoft has come in at a nice price by offering the Zune for around $250 for 30GB of memory, they do not offer the same selection as iPod. With only one player with one set amount of memory, Microsoft is not competing based on selection, they are competing based on the amount of features they offer in a feature player. - Another area where the Zune takes a step up from the iPod is the ability to listen to FM radio when you get tired of your music selection. Don t waste time cycling trying to find something worth listening to as you jog or walk on the treadmill, just flip over to the FM dial and tune in to your favorite radio station! - Microsoft is much more prepared to update your player with their background in personal media than the good folks at Apple are with the iPod. The Zune is set to update every time it connects to the internet, meaning you always have the best Zune that you can possibly have, regardless of how lazy you are! - With the Zune you don t have to log on to the internet at home to purchase tracks and then sync them with your player, you can purchase straight from your Zune! How is that for convenience? Kiefer Cummings is an expert on computer-related topics, a tech freak and one of the writers for the electronic gadget site. He has put up information sites about ipod accessories and podcasting

Review - Rock Out Wirelessly With the Kyrocera GSH-300 A2DP Stereo Bluetooth Headphones

Kyocera s Bluetooth A2DP Stereo Headphones Rock! I ve had my Kyocera GSH300 for quite a while now and have never done a review on them. Why? I m not sure. But I ve been seeing a lot of posts around the internet lately about different types of Bluetooth A2DP headphones and none of them seem to compare to these. What is this crazy A2DP thing you keep talking about? A2DP is a Bluetooth profile that allows compatible devices to stream Stereo high quality sound wirelessly. Both the headset and the transmitting device must support this profile. Most new cell phones that are touted as music phones support it - the iPhone unfortunately does not. Also, most computers with Bluetooth devices support it. What does this mean? Using your computer as an example, you can stream all of the audio from your computer straight to your wireless headset. No wires getting tangled in your computer chair, no pets trying to eat them, no tripping down and spilling your Appletini when you try to get up and didn t realize you ve turned in a circle 10 times in the last hour and your headset cord is now wrapped tightly around your leg and the chair. Also, many VOIP applications now support bluetooth headset profiles, so your new super cool wireless headset can allow you to chat wirelessly. Some of them even support use of the buttons on these headsets and you can pickup and make calls without even touching your computer. Ventrilo and TeamSpeak also work with these headsets - watch out though, your weekend gaming binge might leave you speechless with a dead battery - they only last 6-10 hours generally between charges, but charge in only a couple hours. When used with a compatible cell phone you can do much the same, the phone will stream the audio right to your headset. Many A2DP compatible headsets also have microphones built in so if you get a call on your cell phone you can pick it right up and use it like the bluetooth headsets we are accustomed to. Now that that is out of the way... on with the review! The style on this headset is a little different from the others I ve seen and used. The Motorola S9 headset (overhyped and advertised with the likeness of David Beckham) is a rigid behind the head type headset with rubbery earbud style speakers. The Logictech Freepulse are similar to the S9, although the connector between each ear is smaller and the speakers are more like a standard set of headphones. The Kyocera GSH-300 (Part Num TXCKT10161) goes for a different approach: each earpiece is like a normal headphone, but connecting them is only a simple wire. The earpieces sit on your ear much like a standard bluetooth headset you d use with any cell phone, and between them the wire runs behind your head. The wire has a small bead on it that allows you to adjust the slack so the wire doesn t get all tangled. The fit is comfortable, but not too loose. They can easily be worn while you do work around the house or the office. Did I mention they come with a cute little case? The sound quality on these is great. I d say nearly amazing, particularly for a wireless connection. The highs are reasonably clear, the mids are good (as is the case with most any headset) and the bass is surprisingly full. There is no static at all with these. Effective range will depend a lot on your environment. In my home, with 2 computers, 3 monitors and ~6 wireless networks within range, I can go about 15 feet away before they start to break up - which amounts to being able to go anywhere in the next room, but not 2 rooms away. This will vary greatly based on a number of factors, including the wireless interferance in your area and bluetooth transmitter. A phone in your pocket will always provide great signal, but a laptop on your desk in the middle of a ton of electronics (like mine) will get it cut down from the advertised 30 foot bluetooth range. Battery duration is amazing too. They re rated at up to 15 hours of talk/listen time or 300 hours of standby, and in my testing I ve definitely gotten close to that, although its hard to measure exactly because I don t exactly sit and listen to music for 15 hours at a time generally speaking. Suffice to say with heavy use they can easily go all day and then some. Need to recharge em? That s easy too, they charge via a USB cable from any computer. They have all of the features possibly available from a bluetooth headset. Right now they re hooked up to my computer and I m using them to listen to music. Without changing applications, I can press a button on them and turn the volume up or down or fast forward songs. They re amazing. When paired with an appropriate cell phone, not only can you stream the music to it, but if a call comes in all you have to do is hit the right button and they will pick up your call and you can converse with the built in mic. It has an up/down/push toggle on the back, a button on the side for answering and hanging up, and volume up/down buttons on top all easily accessible and attached to the right side earpiece. If you ve got a little extra cash, I definitely advise checking these out - but get them soon! Kyocera has discontinued them and looks to no longer be selling any A2DP headsets, only standard bluetooth. You ll have a hard time finding any used, I think, because honestly I haven t seen a single bluetooth headset on that market that can replace them. I managed to track some down however, and you can find them right here on eBay starting at ~$58 from what seems to be a reputable US based seller and is a good price for an A2DP stereo headset. Feel free to leave a comment with any questions you might have about em. I love mine and I m sure you d love them too. I ll be posting my thoughts on the other headsets I ve tried (Moto S9 and Logitech Freepulse), but I can tell ya - they don t even come close to this Kyocera. Get it now before they re totally off the market. For those of you, like me, who end up ordering thise headset and then end up losing the manual.. you can find a PDF version right here . Mike Maring is an avid cell phone enthusiast. He regularly obtains new devices, along with a plethora of accessories for each. Check out his blog at for more cell phone and accessory reviews as well as general gadget talk and the occasional hot tech deal.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Copy Old Files to New Computer

With Vista now out for close to a year many people are now jumping on board and getting a new computer. Let s face it if your computer is over 4 years old it s time to get a new one. For only 700 bucks you can get a system that is 4-5 times better then the old one. The issue many people are having is transferring files from their old XP computer to their new Vista Computer. Not to worry because this article will help you transfer your files from your old computer to the new one. If your looking for a free way to transfer files then the Windows Easy File Transfer Manager is the one you want to use. With this you will be able to transfer over all your files and user settings. Examples of the things you can transfer are, account settings, IE favorites, pictures, My documents, pictures, outlook profile and the like. The one thing you can not transfer over using the Windows Easy File Transfer is programs. You will have to re-install all your programs onto the new Vista Computer. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but with the free method you can have it no other way. The only program that does transfer over programs as well is Laplink This is not all bad news because chances are the old software may not work anyways. Office will but items like your printer will most likely need a new driver for Vista. If you have specialized software it is best to contact the manufacturer and ask them what you should do. You will be surprised at how helpful many of them may be. When using the Windows Easy File Transfer you will have several options you can use to transfer that data over to your new Vista Computer. You can do the transfer over a network, onto a USB external hard drive for the transfer, Cd s or DVD s, a crossover cable or a USB transfer cable. These are the most common methods used to transfer files over. For a detailed explanation on how to use the Windows Easy File Transfer check out our Data transfer page. We also have a blog that covers about the same as or data transfer page. View our XP to Vista data transfer page.

Nokia CK-20W Bluetooth Advanced Car Kit

Many of us do not know what Bluetooth technology is. Bluetooth technology is a new development that allows for short-range communication to be conducted in a virtually wireless environment. Bluetooth technology maintains high-levels of security while eliminating the need for cables and other connections for mobile devices. Several Bluetooth devices can be set-up to communicate with each other. Bluetooth technology is a great development that has increased safety while use low power for a low cost price. Bluetooth technology is used by people around the world. One of the latest developments is the Bluetooth car kit. A Bluetooth car kit allows drivers to talk on a cell phone hands-free. This means that drivers will no longer be distracted or holding the steering wheel with only one hand. Bluetooth technology has offered drivers a convenient and safe way to talk on the phone while driving. A driver is able to focus one-hundred percent on the road while using a Bluetooth headset. A popular and smart choice is the Nokia CK-20W Bluetooth car kit. This kit offers users many unique and entertaining features. If you are looking to be able to really use the entertainment features on your mobile consider the Nokia CK-20W Bluetooth Car kit. This kit will easily allow you to turn your mobile phone into mobile entertainment for your car. The Nokia CK-20W Bluetooth Car kit allows you to wirelessly stream mp3 s from your mobile phone through its speakers if it s Bluetooth enabled and you can control that music from the Nokia CK-20W s controls. If you don t have a Bluetooth mobile phone not to worry the Nokia Ck-20W can be hardwired to any phone if necessary. The days of going out and having to purchase an expensive car to handle your wireless hands free and mobile entertainment needs are over. For comparison shopping purposes here is a feature list of what the Nokia CK-20W has to offer. High quality audio with echo canceling and noise reduction features, music playback, access to the main calling and play back features, voice dialing and car radio mute support. It even allows you, if so desired, to use the audio speaker system in your car for audio functions. When considering the purchase of a Bluetooth car kit consider the Nokia CK-20W for your car kit needs. The features allow this car kit to grow with your entertainment needs. It also is great for business or personal use with advanced calling and play back features. Gone are the days when having wireless Bluetooth technology in your car meant spending a fortune for a car that allowed for these features. With the Nokia CK-20W Bluetooth car kit you can have all the expensive features for a miniscule fraction of the cost. Consider the Nokia CK-20W Bluetooth car kit the next time you re looking for a car kit that can turn your mobile phone into a mobile entertainment station. Users of the Nokia CK-20W are extremely happy with their choice. Where else can you find a car kit that is not only focused on safety but also on entertainment? Developed by Netfreez - Online retailer offering consumer electronics products, including cellular phones and accessories, personal computers, and computer components. To find out more information about Bluetooth Car Kits , and wireless peripherals such as Bluetooth Headsets , visit us online at

Picking A Great Site To Download Ipod Music - Here s How

Picking A Great Site To Download Ipod Music - Here s How If you are like every other red blooded technology hungry american I m sure that you too have wondered if there is a place where you can download ipod music. The expensive nature of itunes and other services like it have forced many of us to seek alternative avenues to load our ipods with all of the music, videos, movies, and other software that we want. There are a couple fo things that you should keep in mind when trying to find a good site to download music to your ipod though. I think it is important that you do know what to look for in a really good ipod download site though. Below are the list of requirements that I use to decide which site to download from and which ones to leave alone. 1. Is the site legal? This is a bigger deal than many people think. In this day and age the internet is full of sites that are set up and designed to catch people downloading illegally. It is such a big deal that many of the people that are still trying to downlaod from sites that are not legal often have to do so through an anonymous proxy. Basically, these kind of sites just are not worth the trouble. 2. Is the site affordable? Sadly, the answer to this question most times is no. Many sites either want to charge you per download or even a monthly subscription fee in order to download ipod music online. these fees can cost you in excess of a couple of hundred dollars a year. I will give you my list of sites that I use to load my ipod with all of the media I can handle in a couple of minutes. 3. is the site clean? This one is a tough one. You cant tell by looking at a link if the file that you are downloading is infected with some type of virus or spyware. You will find though that many of the files that you encounter online are indeed embedded with some type of malicious code. This has become a big deal lately with all of the new strains of virii that are being created and passed around. I am sure that you too will be able to find just the right place for you to download ipod music as well. Just make sure that you keep the things that I have listed above in mind when selecting a website to download media and other files for your ipod. Hopefully, this article has given you some insite into what makes up the ideal site for your downloading needs. Jeremy Kelsall has written many informative articles relative to the ipod. Do yourself a favor and check out his list of the best sites to download ipod music on the internet click here

How To Put Music On The PSP

Let’s face it people, if you don’t own a digital music player you are more than a little out of touch with society and popular society in particular. Everyone seems to have their entire music collections stored on a small device that can fit in your pocket, so what are you doing still carrying around your Walkman? If the problem is that you can’t spend any extra in addition to your PlayStation Portable then let me let you in on a little secret that could change your life … the PSP can play MP3s! Follow a few easy steps and you too will be able to learn how to put music on the PSP . Begin by getting your CDs moved to your computer’s hard drive. This is quite simple if you have Windows Media installed on your computer, just insert the disc into the PC and click on the button that is titled “rip”. This puts the tracks on your hard drive and makes it possible for you to move on to the second stage of the transfer process. In addition you can also search the internet for a suitable free CD ripper, one that will convert your CD’s to the MP3 format. It is very important that you purchase the right USB cable to hook your PSP up to your PC so you can begin to transfer the files from one to the other. Once the cords are connected you only have to click on the “home” and “X” buttons to bring up the option to connect with the “USB Device”. Once you have connected the PSP to the PC then you need to copy the audio files in the MUSIC folder, which resides in the PSP folder on your computer and begin transferring (or copying and pasting) mp3 files to that area. Once you are done all you have to do is press the “O” button to get ready to enjoy all of the music that you transferred. That’s how easy it is to put music on the PSP . Make sure that you have some sort of categorization or sorting process in place so you can tell what you are choosing to listen to when the time comes to do a little easy listening. Does it really get much easier than that? Jerry Highsmith is the gaming expert for You-Can-Learn. He has created a new special report for PSP gamers worldwide, the Ultimate PSP Guide. You can get a free copy of Jerry s Ultimate PSP Guide when you visit the You-Can-Learn website at

Four Reasons To Get Satellite TV on PC Software

You may be considering purchasing software that allows you to watch satellite tv on your pc or laptop, but have been put off for one reason or another. If you are still undecided, this article will help you decide for yourself whether the time is right to take the plunge and start watching streaming television shows and movies on your home computer. There is No Ongoing Subscription Required If you have cable or satellite tv at home, chances are there will be a monthly subscription based upon your choice of channel package. Watching via your pc usually entails just the initial cost of purchasing the program to install. Picture Quality Keeps Getting Better In the early days, picture quality was a big issue. Internet connections were slow and file sizes needed to be huge. Today, most people connect to the internet via high speed cable or DSL broadband, and digital file compression capabilities have improved considerably, making overall file sizes smaller. Unless you are limited to dial up connection speeds, quality of picture is no longer an obstacle to viewing video files over the web. The Choice of Channels Has Never Been Greater Wherever you live in the world, there will be stations local to you available for viewing online. Having satellite tv for pc software on your laptop means you can keep up to date with your favorite shows while traveling the globe. Depending on which interface you decide to use, there are now literally thousands of channels accessible via the net. You Can Burn Shows and Movies to DVD and Watch When You Like Many of the products available offer an option to save programmes to your hard drive or on a DVD, so they can be watched at leisure. One benefit of this is that you are able to watch the film or show in your living room via a traditional DVD player. The Scam Factor - It is true there are a minority of unscrupulous people making a profit from the growing interest in watching satellite tv on PCs. You may have seen ads on auction sites at ridiculously low prices. These are often for pirated or copycat software. Common problems encountered are poor picture quality, software crashing and channels not being available. An easy way to avoid being caught out by the scammers is to buy from an established organization with a proven reputation. There are two or three providers who have been around for a number of years and can provide independent testimonials. For additional protection, pay using something like PayPal or buy the product through reputable payment processors such as Clickbank. You can find more information about Watching Free TV and Movies on Your PC by following this link

Using Your Dell 1800MP Projector in Your Home Theatre

After recently purchasing a new home, I decided to set up a home theatre in my daylight basement. I bought the couches, put up the blackout blinds and found a 106" HDTV format screen. However, after all that I didn t have much money left to buy an expensive home theatre projector. I had a Dell 1800MP projector kicking around that I bought to use for data presentations and so I decided to try mounting it for my theater. Here are a few helpful tips for others that might be considering doing something similar... 1. The 1800MP comes equipped with vertical keystone correction. This means that if you need to point the projector up or down you can fix the keystone effect. However, it does not come equipped with horizontal keystone correction. In order to get a square picture you need to make sure that you projector is centered with your screen. Otherwise, one side of your picture will be higher than the other. 2. You will notice that the Dell 1800MP does not come with either an HDMI or a DVI port. I was able to hook the projector up to my media center PC using a VGA cable and it looks great. However, the picture over the S-Video didn t look nearly as crisp. If you want a great looking picture consider getting a cable that converts component video into VGA. 3. The Dell 1800MP does not have very many options for zooming in or adjusting your picture size. This means that you will have to place your projector the correct distance from the screen in order to get the picture to be the right size for your screen. For my 106" diagonal 16:9 HDTV format screen I had to place the screen approximately 16 away from the wall. Before I mounted the projector on the ceiling, I simply held it up until I found the right spot where the projector would fill the entire screen. 4. A lot of places will charge you an arm and a leg for a mounting bracket. However, you should be able to pick up a reasonable bracket at an unnamed online auction site for about $30 including shipping. The one that I got has the ability to swivel the projector so that it can be pointed down or to the side slightly. This came in really handy when I was trying to get the projector image set up with my screen. 5. The menus for the dell 1800MP have a bunch of useful options in them that you will need. There is a setting that will flip the image so that your projector can be mounted upside down on the ceiling. There is also a setting that will change the aspect ratio of the projected image to 16:9 if you are going to use a widescreen display area. You can use these settings along with the contrast, color and brightness controls to fine tune the picture until you are happy with the picture. When your room is really dark you will see black bars above and below your screen since the 1800MP is not a widescreen projector by design. This isn t really a big deal but I thought I would mention it. I am the first one to admit that the Dell 1800MP isn t as good as the 1080p high definition projector that I was looking at buying. However, since the Dell was only about $600 and I already had it, I think it is a pretty good option. Plus, it works great with my Media Center. Jeff McRitchie is the director of marketing and original developer for He has written hundreds of articles on binding technologies, lamination, shredding and paper handling. He regularly writes about comb binding, coil binding, wire binding, Velobind, Unibind, thermal binding, Proclick, Zipbind, Powis Parker Fastback, laminators, pouch lamination, roll laminating, paper shredders, paper cutters, folding machines and corner rounders. A division of Information Management Services LLC, is based in Hillsboro Oregon and has grown from being a regional document finishing company to become one of the largest American suppliers for binding and laminating products. Mybinding now stocks and carries more than 13,000 products related to binding and laminating. No other company offers more options for presenting your image.

Tips to Learning Office 2008

If you have recently installed Microsoft Office 2008 on your computer it is likely you were quite confused when you began using it. That is because there are many differences in this program and the previous one. So, what you need to do is learn Office 2008 and then begin to use it. It is very helpful to have some Office 2008 training before you begin simply because this software is significantly different. You will find that when you begin your training there is a completely different format and saving documents is not quite the same as it once was. The good news is there are options to save documents as a .docx or other Word documents like the 2003 version of Word. Overall, this edition is great and the changes are good. However, there are so many that you will want to engage in training to know what you are doing when you begin. You will probably benefit most by taking a class that also offers Excel 2008 training. You may also want to have PowerPoint 2008 training while you are at it. It is completely up to you, but taking a class that offers training on all aspects of Office 2008 is really a good idea. You will learn a lot and will be prepared to use the new program with as little confusion as possible. If you are not sure how you want to learn the new Office 2008 you have several options. If you like to learn "in-person" then you will find classes offered at your local community colleges and things of that nature. If you are too busy to make time in your schedule to go to classes in person then you will benefit from online classes and tutorials. There are a great deal of classes and tutorials on the Internet for Office 2008 and you just need to do a little research to find the right one for you. Some are free and others cost money, but the quality will probably be affected to some degree as well. Just do some research and you will certainly find out the best option for you. It will not take you long to learn all the ins and outs of the new Office 2008. However, you will get frustrated trying to figure it out if you do not take a class. Save yourself the time and effort and simply sign up for a class. Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. You will probably benefit most by taking a class that also offers Office 2008 training . You may also want to have PowerPoint 2008 training while you are at it. It is completely up to you, but taking a class that offers training on all aspects of Office 2008 is really a good idea.

Download Free PSP Movie

Trying to find and download the latest movies for your sony psp can be a difficult task if you don t have the right resources.Having said that, I m sure most people reading this article would just want to cut to the chase and tell where you can go to download psp movies.The answer is simple, psp download sites.There are so many of these types of websites out there on the internet that not only offer the latest psp movies for download, but also games,wallpapers and music for you to enjoy. Most psp download sites are free but you need to be careful when downloading from these sites as you could end up getting hold of corrupt downloads or possibly pirated and spyware infected files.This is why I would advise anyone who is interested in downloading psp movies to make use of pay per download sites.These sites offer lifetime memberships for only a small fee and their downloads contain no spyware at all.Their download rates are also fantastic. I own a sony psp and used to download psp games and movies from these free sites, but soon came to understand the above mentioned problems.This is when I decided to switch to the pay per download service I currently use called psp wizard.They probably offer one of the cheapest membership options around and their files are clean with no hassles. So for those of you wanting to get hold of sony psp movies and games, take a look at the website below and you decide for yourself.Happy gaming. Did you find this review helpful? For more information on PSP Wizard please visit this page at: PSP Wizard

How To Play Music On PSP

An easy guide. Arrgh! Having trouble getting your music files onto your PSP? Drives you mad, doesn t it! I mean, you re not asking to strap-on a full function 3D multi-spatial holo-emmitter, you don t want a full immersion, virtual reality gaming suit add-on (although that d be quite cool), you just want to listen to your tunes on your PSP. Well you re not alone. Here s my simple method, avoiding the need for an angry impact of your precious PSP with the nearest brick wall. First off, you re going to need some music. The Sony PSP plays music in MP3 format only. Here are your choices; 1.You can transfer (rip),music from your CD collection straight to your pc then download to your psp. 2.You can download music in the correct MP3 (PSP acceptable), format straight from a huge number of sources on the web. 3.You can convert music stored on other file types to MP3 format using a special converter and software. So you re going to need a CD ripper, a PSP USB cable and a couple of minutes. As you ve read this far it s fair to say, you re obviously the sort of person who wants to get the maximum out of your PSP: you re also going to want to transfer video to your sleek little friend , aren t you?? Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but soon and you re gonna want it easy. Well, save yourself some hassle and pick up a PSP video converter when you get yourself a cd ripper, then you ll have everything you need to watch video files and play music on your PSP. All cd rippers and video converters come with the necessary software to make things really clean and simple. For a great one stop shop see the link at the end. OK, so you re all tooled-up , plug your USB cable into your pc and your PSP (small end into the PSP). Good, now your pc and PSP can talk to each other. Make sure you have the memory stick inserted. See the Home button on your PSP? Give it a press. Scroll through with the < > buttons until you come to settings . Now the up down buttons until you see USB connection . Select it by pressing X , it will now display the USB connection. Over to your PC. Your pc should now have recognised that it has your PSP plugged into it. (New hard drive/storage device etc.) Open the PSP file on your pc. This file will have a caps letter indicator, probably H . (It may be different on your pc - doesn t really matter what the letter is as long as you know that it s the PSP file). Make a new folder call it something easy to find like MYPSP . Inside your new folder (MYPSP),create another and call it PSPMUSIC . Now you have somewhere to copy your MP3 music files from your pc and onto the PSP. Copy your ripped cd files and any other MP3 format files into this folder. OK you re done. Back to the PSP, to play your tunes. Turn it on, scroll to the music area, scroll to Memory stick , select the folder (Press X ). There you go, lo and behold all your music is now available to be played. Enjoy! I love finding new features and functions on products I already own. You know what it s like, you buy a shiny new gadget, can t wait to check out all it can do, get it out the box and it ain t that simple! Argh! Hate reading manuals? You re not alone.

View Ipod Touch Photo Prints Online - Photography Shots Easily Accessible

The Ipod Touch can do wonders for your personal enjoyment online. The engineering of the viewing screen is the determining factor for ease of use while viewing photography photos and pictures online, the way it should be viewed. No longer are you held hostage to a miniscule viewing area like most personal devices like cell phones. The Ipod Touch changes how easily surfing online can be accomplished without the slow outdated cell phone screens out in today s market. The true Ipod revolution has begun. Apples ingenuity, with the latest out of the box thinkers, has started a roller coaster effect in the way we play online. Although Apple has been around from the birth of the computer age, they were left for dead with dead end products and outdated software to boot. It goes to show that with alot of persistence and belief in your product, you can rise from the dead. The Ipod line of products have made this company a huge player in the online community and a lot of respect for this company is way overdue. Now the Ipod Touch has changed the way we all view or can view online data and pictures online. The Ipod Touch has made it easy due to the large viewing screen and easy way to manipulate web pages, to see actual websites, like it was meant to be seen. Cell phones are not able to view most web pages with photos, but most are able to view limited content on websites. With the Ipod Touch you can now view any and all websites with ease and can change viewing methods with a slide or even a touch of the viewing screen. The wi-fi capability of the Ipod Touch is ingenious and enables you to really stay connected while being unconnected online. This has unshackled many minds with new engineering efforts for the next line of PDA s in the near future. Now downloading new photography photos, music, ebooks, movies, tv shows, videos and software online couldn t be easier with a new Ipod Touch membership site. Visit us at for your unlimited download source today. Kioky Salazar -Fair Oaks, Ca USA. Visit us at and learn more about the Ipod Touch capabilities and how this can work for you.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Soothing Sounds

Have you considered your musical tastes when it comes to your meditation or even your daily routine? Are you helping or hindering your progress with the vast number of selections now available to you on your new iPod? Are you aware of the subtle nuances brought about in your personality brought about by the music you are listening to, either at work, at play or even at home? You should not only be aware of these effects but prepared to utilize them to your advantage in everything that you do. Over the years, there have been many different studies conducted regarding the effects of music on everything from people, to pets and even to plants. Perhaps not surprisingly, most of those results have drawn many of the same conclusions. With colors, the effects are more subtle but they still exist. With music, the effects are not so very subtle and can be recognized almost immediately. Music can be used to enhance existing emotions or to actually change a person s behavior. While much of this is already known and accepted by experts and laymen alike, not everybody fully utilizes this concept to enhance their daily lives. Music can be used to increase productivity, decrease anxiety and a host of other benefits that most people never take into consideration when they turn on the radio or fill up their portable music devices. Next time you go to turn on the radio or listen to the play lists you already have on your computer, why not try something a little bit different? It will take a little bit of thought and maybe even some planning but the results can be more than just a little rewarding. Take a moment to think about what you are going to need to accomplish and what you want to accomplish and then make your selections based on that criteria. If you are going to be actively involved in working on something that takes a lot of energy or mental strain, try using faster and more upbeat music. Shy away from the heavy or hardcore rock and roll as that may help to increase your productivity but will also be likely to increase your levels of stress and adrenaline making it more difficult to get the job completed without problems. Rather, try something that is upbeat but not quite as "heavy" in terms of the beat. If you know that you will be involved in stressful situations, where physical production is not an imperative part of your day but you will have to concentrate fully on the task while avoiding the associated stress, try to use some soft jazz with a faster tempo. The music does not even have to be something that you enjoy to make this work. However, it does help greatly if the music is not something that you hate so much as to raise your personal stress levels. If you have the opportunity to study the effects of music on plants and can read between the lines of those studies, it may provide you with some fascinating and very meaningful insight into the true power of music in your daily life. Rather than just focusing on what you think you may want to hear, take a few moments, think about what you need to accomplish it and how you want to go about the chore. Once you have done that, let the music begin. Ward Tipton has been writing SEO and SEM materials for over three years now and has recently become involved in providing new and unmatched materials by an actual Work Team comprised of professional writers, technicians, engineers, editors, Internet Marketers and a gathering of talent heretofore unmatched in the world of Internet Marketing.

How Can Free Movie Download Sites Be A Handy Resource

Well that is one of the features of having high speed connection that you can find free movie download sites online at you will. You can download to watch your movie for later or you can watch your movie online if you have a really good connection. All your downloaded movies add to your collection of movies from movie download sites. These movies are not only limited to your access you can burn dvd and share these movies with your family and friends. Now you can download movies that you would never pay to watch otherwise. Well it does not mean you will not buy a movie. For example there is a movie that you are 50/50 about purchasing then you may simply download it and if the movie is good then you may even purchase a dvd for. This makes your collection of purchased movies even better as you know you before hand knew the quality of movie that you are about to purchase. Free movie download sites are a great way to find movies that are very old and are rarely available in a movie store. Some movie download sites are so very well organized that you can surf for movie titles with ease as this saves you lots of time spent in searching a good movie. Any free movie download site is deemed to be good over others if they also provide a small review about a movie. By providing a small review they are not only saving their bandwidth but also saving you time that you would otherwise have spent in download it. Free movie downloading sites can be a good time and money saving if you have kids who are too fond of watching comedy, cartoon movies. These kind of movies are otherwise too costly and kids do not care to watch the movie second time for which you may have spent close to $15.00 Having a free movie download site handy is a great resource as it is going to last for a long time with you. You can also download some latest movies that are no longer in theaters anymore. Please check out Movie Download Sites for a wide variety of movie downloading sites and lots of other stuff or if you have an iPod then Download Movies For Your iPod which are already in iPod friendly format.

Choosing a Portable MP3 Player: Part 1

MP3 players are everywhere! It seems that the number of makes and models in this market is growing daily, with features and capabilities intended to appeal to just about anyone shopping for one of these devices. MP3 players have been around much longer than the Apple iPod , but there is no arguing that this one device opened the market to a much larger customer base. In addition to Apple’s own success, the iPod paved the way for dozens of other manufacturers to offer their own twist on this technology. This series of Tech Tips will attempt to simplify things by taking a look at eight basic features of a typical MP3 player that may be important to a potential buyer, including: storage technologies, capacities, file formats, displays, batteries, extra capabilities, computer interfaces, and size. Part 1 of this series will handle the first four topics, and the second set of four topics will be covered in Part 2. Storage Technologies In general, portable MP3 players will utilize one of two formats to store the files on the device, either flash memory or a hard drive. Flash memory similar to that used in digital cameras is also found embedded in many lower capacity MP3 players. Due to the basic capacity limitation of flash memory, hard drive based units are required by those who need to store thousands of files on one device (or fewer files of higher quality). It may be feasible to find flash memory based players with capacities that range from 128MB to 1GB (or maybe a bit higher), and the MSI MegaStick 511 is an example of a 1GB flash memory based device. Hard drive-based units can provide much more space, and your typical Apple iPod and Creative Zen will use a hard drive in order to achieve their capacities of up to 40GB. One of the key advantages of flash memory-based players is that they are "solid state", an old electronics term which used to mean "contains no tubes", but now basically means that a device contains no moving parts. No moving parts means fewer hardware breakdowns, longer battery life (playing time), and it means that the devices can be bounced around with no skips or damage to the device. If you re looking for a durable MP3 player to go jogging with or take to the gym, you probably want a flash-based player. There are other formats that may be used for portable MP3 players, and the Classic CM343R is an example of a device that plays MP3s from recordable CD media. Capacities The capacity of these players was already touched on in the previous section, but there is more to consider. Determining the capacity desired can have an impact on price and physical size, but the main thing to consider is how many files need to be stored on it. Several variables determine the quantity of music any given player may hold, namely file type and compression encoding bit rate. MP3 files, for example, may be encoded at bit rates ranging from low quality (64kbps) to high, up to 320kbps. Lower bit rates use less disk (or memory) storage space, but offer sound quality comparable only to a telephone call or AM radio. Higher bit rates, up to and exceeding that of CD quality sound, may be used, but of course take more space. As with all things, there is a trade-off between quantity and quality – think of it terms of the number of hours of TV you can record to a VHS tape in SP, EP, and SLP modes. For the sake of discussion, we will use a decent bit rate of 128 kbps, which will turn 5 minute long songs into files of approximately 5 MB in size. Some simple math shows that a 128 MB device, such as this Egoman unit, will only hold about 25 such songs, while a 40GB iPod can hold about 8000. A device intended to be used only for jogging may do just fine with 128 MB of storage, while a device used in the car, at the office, and elsewhere may benefit greatly from more storage space… unless you like listening to the same handful of songs over and over again. Some players offer a base of onboard memory, plus the flexibility of adding more memory through the use of an expansion slot. These slots will accept flash memory, usually SD or MMC , and it can be a cost effective way to add 512 MB to a 128 MB device, such as this one from Ultra Products. File Formats Calling these devices MP3 players may be a bit unfair, as most will actually read a few different file formats. MP3 is definitely the most popular, but other common formats include WMA (Window’s Media Audio) and WAV (Microsoft’s Waveform Audio). Less common formats are also supported by some devices, such as AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) and AAC (Advanced Audio Coding). In addition to MP3,the iPod supports these two formats and a few others that most other players do not support, which makes sharing these files with any other device just about impossible without conversion software. Software is available for creating MP3 files from audio CDs, as well as for converting digital audio files from one format to another. Titles are available for purchase from many companies, including the likes of Nero ( and Roxio (, and other titles can be found as downloads, either free or as free trials. Displays Most MP3 players include some sort of display to help the user interact with the device. The size of the display will have an impact on the overall size of the unit, but larger displays can obviously contain more information, and may be easier on the eyes. Basic information regarding the status of the device and its files are generally shown on the display, and settings for things such as the volume and equalizer can be manipulated with ease. The LCD display on the iPod is one of its great features, due to its large size (2” diagonally), and its LED backlighting for comfortable viewing in any lighting condition. The iPod is a larger device, however, and it can afford to have a larger display to convey information on menus, song artists/titles, volume, date/time, equalizer, battery status, and so on. Smaller devices obviously have smaller displays, but they still need to convey some basic information. Using small fonts and symbols, allows devices like this one from Perception Digital to display a good deal of information at any one time. What is lost is the ability to view menus and playlists, as seen on the iPod, and you may need better vision to see the smaller characters. Displays are a convenience item though, and some players have eliminated the display in the name of simplicity (and hopefully savings). The iPod Shuffle doesn’t include a display at all, and their slogan “enjoy uncertainty” expresses the fact that you’ll just have to go with the flow as your interaction with the device is quite limited. Final Words For such small devices, there are many variables to consider when shopping for an MP3 player. The first part in this series covered four key items, and in the second part we will cover four more, including; battery, extra capabilities, computer interface, and size. tech tips , computer info , computer advice

What is a Firewall ?

What is a Firewall ? Simply put it acts as a barrier between your computer and the internet. To protect you from crackers, hackers and malware. If your running DSL or a cable modem you should employ a firewall, as having a direct connection to the Internet can make you a target to attack. Firewalls can be hardware or software based. With firewalls you set up ACL s or Access Control lists to allow or deny traffic. There are three different ways a firewall can block traffic. 1. Packet Filtering- Packets are analyzed against filters in the firewall rulesets. Firewalls will drop packets that are not allowed in the firewall rulesets. 2. Proxy Service- Information from the Internet is grabbed by the firewall and delivered to the requesting service thru the proxy. 3. Statefull packet inspection- looks up criteria against a database of trusted information. To see if the packet contains anything that would allow or deny it into the network. Firewalls are customizable allowing you to create your own rulesets you can block IP addresses, specific protocols such as Telnet, FTP, ICMP, UDP, SMTP and many others. Firewalls can be customized to block specific ports, or even keywords. There are many software firewalls availiable such as Tiny Firewall That is designed to keep hackers out of your network and block Spyware. Zone Labs makes ZoneAlarm I like it bcause it has a simple interface allowing home users to configure it easily. For hardware firewalls there is: Cisco There brand is called PIX firewall. From home users I like D-Link DI-604 this is a inexpensive firewall that works well. Best of all it fits into almost any budget. Linksys (now part of Cisco) offers a router/firewall that supports VPN and DMZ. There are many hardware solutions including setting up a firewall on a *nix box. I like this the best as it gives you the firewall administrator the most control. I personally like OpenBSD for any security applications I would run with Unix, as it is secure. There have been very few exploits against this platform. I will be writing more articles about firewalls shortly. Benjamin Hargis CEO Phuture Networks email:

Get Your Smartphone Smart Again with MemoryUp Standard Edition Mobile RAM & Memory Booster

I have to admit that Nokia N70 is nice and convenient. As a kind of smart phone, what it is able to do is far more than just making calls and receiving short messages. As many other users, I downloaded lots of software and installed them on it, hoping it could be smarter. But after no more than a month, when I switch an application to anther, it will become really slow, or even the operating system will pause. I called the Nokia service center for help. But they just suggested me to uninstall some of the applications. That s nonsense. I searched the information through the internet and I knew the reason caused my cell phone no longer so much smart was the memory can not be managed in a good way. For a smart phone, there are dozens of JVM (Java Virtual Machine) based programs running in the front-end or back-end. When you run an application, the operating system will allocate certain space for it in the RAM. What is RAM? That s short for the Random Access Memory, which is used to store the information quickly. OK, if you run application A, then the system gives it 20% space in the RAM. And 25% for the application B. Now it only have 55% RAM to run the other applications, which used to take 100% RAM to do. It is natural the system will become quite snow. My analogy maybe too simple, but it makes sense. And as a matter of fact, what makes things worse is that even if you close an application after using it, the memory could not be set free totally, some of the memory will still be taken for nothing. Which means, after running the application A, the 20% space in the RAM can not be free as quickly as you want, maybe 5% of it is always be taken. Then I decided to try the eMobistudio s MemoryUp, a small tool to manage the memory effectively. The MemoryUp is designed for taking control of JVM for each smart phone system, smartly analyze running programs (including hidden programs), automatically allocate and recover occupied RAM, and boost system to its best performance. In cases that some JVM based applications are no longer active on your smart phone, like I ve mentioned above, the 5% percent memory taken for nothing, MemoryUp can reclaim lost resources and put them to better use. By reclaiming resources, the smartphone does not need to access the hard drive frequently. Besides Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, it can fully support the Symbian system. And it also has edition for BlackBerry system. Generally speaking, with the effective allocation of memory to execute programs, and the avoiding of breaking down and becoming slow, it will make your cell performances better as a whole. As it for me, my Nokia has become smart again. Now I can switch from different applications as I want, without worrying it will break down.

JVC s First Three-Layer Combo-Disc Blu-Ray / DVD

JVC s First Three-Layer Combo-Disc Blu-Ray / DVD JVC developed and used a high-performance reflective film to produce this revolutionary three layer structure. The outer Blu-ray layer can be read by the blue light laser but it is transparent for the red light laser which therefore has access to the inner dual DVD layer. The JVC disc sums 33.5 GB in total storage capacity of which: 8.5 GB are allocated to the standard video content; 25 GB hold high definition content. JVC unveiled its intentions to promote its disc to the Blu-ray Disc Association, in the spring of 2005. Mass production will begin when BD-ROM players are available, early 2006. The combo disc will be available for a 30% higher price than standard DVDs. The idea is to ease the transition among standard DVD and high definition discs. All big players on the DVD market, including JVC, expect SD and HD DVD to cohabit for a while. At the beginning of this month, Toshiba and Memory-Tech were announcing their dual-layer DVD/HD DVD disk able to store both DVD and HD DVD content. The DVD layer had a 4.7 GB capacity, satisfying specification of current DVD discs, while the HD DVD layer could store 15 GB capacity. At least with storing capacity, until now, JVC (Japan Victor Corporation) is the market leader. The company is currently working on a Blu-ray/ DVD combo ROM disc with even more storage capacity. This later disc will feature 50 GB of high definition data (BD format), stored on a dual layer and 8.5 GB of DVD dual layer structure. Iulia Pascanu writes for where you can find more information about DVD recorders . Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared:

A Common Computer Problem

A common computer problem many people have is with their registry files. These are files, which basically tell the computer how to operate a program when it opens it. IT basically gives the computer a set of instructions. So, when these instructions get messed up, the computer has no idea what to do. Sort of like if you are assembling an engine, and the instructions are either missing, or in another language. Not something you really want to be guessing at. These instructions must be clear. Let’s take a look at how this common computer problem can happen. If you run a Windows operating system, you have messed up registry files. It just comes with the territory. Also, if you install or uninstall software, this can cause messed up registry files. If you are uninstalling software, you might get a box that pops up and says some of the files may be shared, and removing them can cause other programs not to work. Uh, they actually mean that. Leave those files in there. The computer has no idea what to do it goes looking for them, and they are different, or not there. It will just sit there, also known as hanging, or freezing. You may even have to do the ctrl-alt-delete to get out of it. If this has happened to you, you have a registry problem. To fix a problem with the registry files, you must have registry repair software. This software will scan your computer and let you know if you have any errors. If it does find any, it will then fix them, and return your registry back to normal. Then, as a maintenance item, run this registry repair software weekly. This will ensure your common computer problem of messed up registry files stays corrected. Michael Baker is a Computer Optimization Technician, and recommends getting a Free Computer Scan to fix any problems such as computers freezing, locking up, restarting for no reason, and getting the blue death screen.

Who Else Wants To Tweak Windows XP For A Faster PC

Windows XP has lots of colours, themes and similar special effects to make your PC look great. These effects slow down your PC and that is the main problem. If your computer is running slow, and you are sure you do not have a virus, spyware or adware, you may try using some of these Win XP tweaks. The more special effects you remove the better. Some of the effects that slow your PC are: 1. Pictures on the desktop background. A blank wallpaper is the best. Animations or even sounds in the background slow PC even more. Remove Shortcuts on the Desktop. This will be described further below as well. Right click on My Computer icon and select properties. Go to Advanced Tab, and select Settings next to Performance. Finally select Adjust for best performance. Click OK twice. That is one of the best Win XP tweaks. 2. Is your browser by default plain, or did you install many extensions, themes and cursor symbols? Those slow down speed, so removing them is the best solution if you have a slow PC. Switch to Windows Classic Theme by right clicking on Desktop and go to Properties. 3. Sounds also cause speed problems, so removing them is another good tweak. These include also startup and shutdown sounds. Remove sounds from your control panel. Double click on the Sounds icon. 4. A lot of MsWord, Notepad, Image and similar files scattered around on your desktop or located in shortcuts can be removed or arranged. Create new folders, and organise your files. A folder for MsWord documents, images, sounds and Notepad files so you do not waste space. Shortcuts on your desktop, in start menu and anywhere else can be removed to tweak XP. These are unwanted and are safe to be removed. You know if an icon is a shortcut or not because once you click delete you can read: "Are you sure you want to delete this shortcut?" 5. Use the search tool to find unwanted files. WIn XP search tool allows you to search for certain file types. For example you can search for only images .gif or .jpg. You can find all the images on your PC, and remove all the unwanted image files. Same with sound files, documents and you will be amazed about this stuff that has piled up during the years. A brand new computer does not need to search for these files. Be careful though when using this tweak. Do not remove files you are not sure what their use is. Some files may be system files useful for your PC to work well. Doing so can damage your PC. 6. Bookmarks or favorites inside your web browser have their negative side too. Same with cookies, cache and browser history. Remove unwanted sites from your favorites. In Internet Explorer remove cache, cookies and history by selecting Tools, Internet Options and clicking the desired action. In other browsers these options can also be tweaked from the menu which is usually under Tools. Remove these unwanted files often, or weekly. A weekly or more often job is clearing your recycle bin which helps cleaning wasted space. Those 6 tweaks will organise your PC for a faster performance. It is the basic for XP users who suffer from slow speed. Even if your PC is not slow, some of the tweaks are still useful in the long run. Karl Smith sells the popular software No Adware . You can download a trial now to check if you have spyware or adware. Karl teaches from his own experiences. We recommend his software as the first solution against slow PC performance.

Home Computer Security

This is a paper about securing your home computers and networks. The goal of computer security is to keep unauthorized users from using your resources. This can be anything from your computer to your printer or even your web camera. Detection is another important aspect that should be monitored as well. I often get asked "Why should I worry?" Maybe you shouldn’t. If you are concerned about any of your files or the possibility of losing them you should care. There is also online banking that many people use to watch their accounts. Malicious users can also use your computer to launch attacks against other networks, or put files on your computer as a means of storage. Even if you have the computer just to send email to Grandma don’t think that you are not at risk. Attackers like to hide there tracks by jumping thru multiple locations such as your computer. Malicious users can take over your webcam and watch and even listen to you! Attackers like to use multiple systems to launch denial of service attacks-sending tons of packets to bring a network to its knees. Identity theft is huge right now. Your credit report should be reviewed frequently. Identity thieves can gain allot of information from your home computers. FTC said there are approximately over 10 million victims a year. If your ID is stolen or think it is visit Never send out your personal information in email it is not secured. The risk is getting greater daily as more people connect to the Internet. Script Kiddies download tools that make breaking into computers as easy as pressing a button. Security patches are offered thru vendors but most people do not bother to patch there systems or have the time. Do people in your household use file sharing programs? I cannot believe the amount of Spy ware and viruses that are hidden in some of those files. I removed over 600 different Malwares from a home computer who thought they were just downloading music. The system was always freezing and changing homepages in Internet Explorer. Not to mention these file sharing programs can be sharing your financial data, medical records, secret recipes or your last tax return. Key loggers can be on your system recording every keystroke and emailing it to an attacker, enemy or even your spouse. This includes IM s, Emails, and passwords anything. There are Anti-Virus software that will detect most of these programs.Anti-Spyware can also detect allot of MalWare or malicious code. Use strong passwords that are alphanumeric or use a password strength tool. I would not use anything in a dictionary American or Foreign as those can be cracked easily thru Brute Force. Don’t use the same password for every account. Change your passwords regularly, and don’t write them down. I recommend making regular backups of at a minimum your critical system files. Back up to a CDR to ensure that your data cannot be overwritten. Please monitor your children’s surfing habits and teach them about the dangers of the Internet. I recommend installing filtering software to keep their curious minds out of the wrong sites. Staying abreast of Anti-Virus updates. Don’t upon email attachments that can contain viruses or other malware. Don’t run programs if you don’t know where they came from than can have Trojan horses. Trojan Horse is a program that appears to be a regular program such as Solitaire buts its actually sending your bank account information to an email address. Attackers can also take over your computer have .mp3 file ran at 3AM in the morning to scare you, even open and close your CD-DRIVE door. Disable JAVA, JavaScript and Active X Keep up to date on patching your operating systems and applications. In Windows you can set up automatic updates. You can also visit the Windows Update site. Microsoft releases patches even second Tuesday of the month this is known in IT as black Tuesday, there is always allot of patches. Upgrade to Service Pack 2. Internet Explorer always has security issues. There are Open Source browsers like Firefox which is a great browser and has more security feautures. Firefox has allot of great add ons as well that can make researching more effective amongst other utilities Disable scripting in email Enable NAT Network Address Translation on your router. This will hide your private IP address from the Internet. While still allowing computers to access the Internet. Most network firewalls have IP NAT masquerading where multiple device on the Internet appear as one IP address. Make sure you are not enabling shares on your computer for any of your drives. This will look like a hand holding a drive in Microsoft Windows. Be aware of Phishing these are Internet Con-Artist looking to catch a some fish. Emails are sent that look like Bank Emails, Amazon and PayPal, it amazes me how many people I work with think its the real thing. If your considered about security consider encryption. For Home users look into PGP or Pretty Good Privacy to secure your email, you can even encrypt your hard drive. When you think you have deleted your files they are still retrievable consider a file wiping utility. Use a Surge Protector. No firewall can stop all attacks. Benjamin Hargis CEO Phuture Networks

Sennheiser Headphones - Are These The Best Of Them All?

Sennheiser Headphones - Are These The Best Of Them All? Absolute shock! That’s kind of reaction I expect to see when anybody sets sights on my good ol’ headphones. To say they are in a deplorable condition is quite an understatement. But I’m not the music lover you find in this era of digital players, iPods and portable MP3 devices. If you’re one of them, then chances are that your headphones are worth their weight in gold and you would’ve definitely come across Sennheiser headphones. In the crowd of headphones, Sennheiser stands tall. Why? What is its USP (unique selling proposition), you may ask? Well, it’s called Noise Grad – a path breaking noise canceling technique that cuts down outside noise by almost 70%. So, you can listen to Shakira (even though watching her would be a more appropriate option!) crystal clear even in a noisy neighborhood or in a crowded bus. These portables fit snugly into your ear and are collapsible. For those of you who find the portables a little evasive, there’s the full – size headphones that fit over the ear. An added attraction is the Talk-Thru function to speak to others with out compromising on the noise canceling. Sennheiser professional headphones are quite popular with DJ’s and cameramen since they are comfortable, light weight have innovative designs and are wearable for long hours. What about the real thing All these fancy noise canceling and white noise conversion techniques will come to a naught if the sound quality isn’t great. Well, with Sennheiser you won’t be disappointed. It offers exquisite, digital quality sound almost like a live performance. They are versatile too, can be used both for music and for home- theatres Now to the brass-tacks: how much will the damage be? Well, you could choose from a range starting from $50 to $450 for the high- end versions. Take your pick depending up on the usage, purpose and of course, budget. So, made up your mind to get yourself Sennheiser headphones? You should, in fact, because trust me, it’ll only be music to the ears. Are These The Best Headphones Ever Made?

Free iPod Nano Downloads

We all want to the latest hot songs, watch the latest movies and play the latest games, however it is all so expensive that most of us can t afford it. But what if you could get free iPod Nano downloads and never worry about paying any pay per download fees? You can save lots of money, probably hundreds of dollars every month, well, you do the math if a song cost $1, with 100 downloads it s $100. But it is possible to get free iPod Nano downloads, the only problem most Internet users have is finding the right website, that would provide with free download for your iPod. And yes, it is pretty hard, most today download services charge pay per download fees. I have spent so much time searching for a legitimate iPod site and finally found one that is worth joining. I have tried over six different iPod services, but most of them were a complete disaster, poor quality of music files and small databases. That s not the right way to get free iPod Nano downloads, but one of them was the best one that I have ever seen. The best part of course is that you can download everything for free, legally and without any limitations or restrictions. This services showed that free iPod Nano downloads is a reality and all you have to do is look carefully. If you want to join an iPod download service be very careful, as there are so many scam and trash on the Internet that I don t trust 80% of the sites I visit anymore. I am very happy that I was able to find the one that gives me the opportunity to get free iPod Nano downloads and I have been using this service for a while now and I can t complain. I have video iPod and I love to fill it with the latest high quality movies. I always find what I need with this service and there weren t any movies or songs that it couldn t find. I highly recommend you try this service, it s a real money saver! If you would like you find out more information about the site that gives me free iPod Nano downloads feel free to visit my page . Earl Bennett is an iPod addict find out how he gets free iPod Nano downloads ! Read about the king of iPod downloads at his blog if you want to find out more.

Emailing your Pictures

Windows Vista The simplest way to email a picture in Windows Vista is to locate the picture you want to send and right click on it. From the drop down menu, select send to and then mail recipient and a dialogue box will appear. Select the Medium option and then click Attach . and a new blank email will appear with a default message. Alter this if you prefer and add your own message as normal. Now enter the recipients email address and the subject and click send . The recipient will see your email with the picture shown as an attachment. The advantage of this method is that windows will automatically optimise the file size of the photo for sending and receiving by making it a smaller size. This means the email will be quicker to send and receive. If you wish to send several pictures at the same time, then select these by holding down the shift key , clicking on the required photos. Then right click and follow the above procedure. Windows XP As before, go the folder where the picture is stored and click on the photo you want to send. On the left hand pane under File and Folder Tasks click email this file . A dialogue box appears. Now click the option make all my pictures smaller and click ok . This will open a new email with the picture included as an attachment with a default message. If you do not see a task pane on the left hand side, click Tools - Folder Options and a dialogue box will appear. Click the option Show common tasks in folders to make it appear. You can alter this default message and add your own message if you wish. Enter the email address of the intended recipient and the subject and click on Send . Alternative Method The alternative procedure is to open a new email as normal and click Insert from the menu. For Vista, from the sub menu select pictures and then from file . Browse to the picture you want to send and click on it. Click on insert and the picture/s will appear in the body of the email. If you do not want your pictures shown in the main part of the email, proceed as for XP below. For XP, from the sub menu, select File Attachment . Browse to the picture you want to send and click on it. Click on Attach and the picture/s will be included as an attachment. The disadvantage of this method is that the picture size is not optimised for emailing and will be sent at its original size. This method is fine if you want to preserve the full image quality (maybe for your recipient to make a large print from) but otherwise, the previous methods are recommended to optimise the file sizes for viewing and for smaller prints. If you want to upload your picture files to the web or to put on your own website, then they too should be optimised first - but that s another story. I am a photographer and author who enjoys computing, and both digital and film photography. I like writing about computer and photography topics and passing on hints, tips and wrinkles to others based on my experiences. You may like to visit my web site at: for an in depth look at the whole field of digital photography for helpful advice on getting the best results from your hobby to maximise your enjoyment of this fascinating subject.