Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Copy Old Files to New Computer

With Vista now out for close to a year many people are now jumping on board and getting a new computer. Let s face it if your computer is over 4 years old it s time to get a new one. For only 700 bucks you can get a system that is 4-5 times better then the old one. The issue many people are having is transferring files from their old XP computer to their new Vista Computer. Not to worry because this article will help you transfer your files from your old computer to the new one. If your looking for a free way to transfer files then the Windows Easy File Transfer Manager is the one you want to use. With this you will be able to transfer over all your files and user settings. Examples of the things you can transfer are, account settings, IE favorites, pictures, My documents, pictures, outlook profile and the like. The one thing you can not transfer over using the Windows Easy File Transfer is programs. You will have to re-install all your programs onto the new Vista Computer. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but with the free method you can have it no other way. The only program that does transfer over programs as well is Laplink This is not all bad news because chances are the old software may not work anyways. Office will but items like your printer will most likely need a new driver for Vista. If you have specialized software it is best to contact the manufacturer and ask them what you should do. You will be surprised at how helpful many of them may be. When using the Windows Easy File Transfer you will have several options you can use to transfer that data over to your new Vista Computer. You can do the transfer over a network, onto a USB external hard drive for the transfer, Cd s or DVD s, a crossover cable or a USB transfer cable. These are the most common methods used to transfer files over. For a detailed explanation on how to use the Windows Easy File Transfer check out our Data transfer page. We also have a blog that covers about the same as or data transfer page. View our XP to Vista data transfer page.

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