Monday, March 3, 2008

A Common Computer Problem

A common computer problem many people have is with their registry files. These are files, which basically tell the computer how to operate a program when it opens it. IT basically gives the computer a set of instructions. So, when these instructions get messed up, the computer has no idea what to do. Sort of like if you are assembling an engine, and the instructions are either missing, or in another language. Not something you really want to be guessing at. These instructions must be clear. Let’s take a look at how this common computer problem can happen. If you run a Windows operating system, you have messed up registry files. It just comes with the territory. Also, if you install or uninstall software, this can cause messed up registry files. If you are uninstalling software, you might get a box that pops up and says some of the files may be shared, and removing them can cause other programs not to work. Uh, they actually mean that. Leave those files in there. The computer has no idea what to do it goes looking for them, and they are different, or not there. It will just sit there, also known as hanging, or freezing. You may even have to do the ctrl-alt-delete to get out of it. If this has happened to you, you have a registry problem. To fix a problem with the registry files, you must have registry repair software. This software will scan your computer and let you know if you have any errors. If it does find any, it will then fix them, and return your registry back to normal. Then, as a maintenance item, run this registry repair software weekly. This will ensure your common computer problem of messed up registry files stays corrected. Michael Baker is a Computer Optimization Technician, and recommends getting a Free Computer Scan to fix any problems such as computers freezing, locking up, restarting for no reason, and getting the blue death screen.

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